Weather warnings

Zona nord


Zona centre


Zona sud


Warning types

Strog wind Rain intensity
Air temperature Rain accumulation
Storms Snow accumulation

 Without weather warnings  Moderate danger  Severe danger  Extrem danger
No particular awareness of the weather is required, but it exists the probability of any phenomena that cause any damage at the outdoor activities. The weather is potentially dangerous. The weather phenomena that have been forecast are not unusual, but be attentive if you intend to practice activities exposed to meteorological risks. Keep informed about the expected meteorological conditions and do not take any avoidable risk. The weather is dangerous. Unusual meteorological phenomena have been forecast. Be very vigilant and keep regularly informed about the detailed expected meteorological conditions. Be aware of the risks that might be unavoidable. Follow any advice given by your authorities (especially Civil protection). The weather is very dangerous. Exceptionally intense meteorological phenomena have been forecast. Keep frequently informed about detailed expected meteorological conditions and risks. Follow orders and any advice given by your authorities (especially Civil protection) under all circumstances, be prepared for extraordinary measures.